Making Homeownership Work on a Budget

For low-income families, buying a home can seem out of reach. On top of financial stress, the competitive market may make buyers feel like they will never find a home they can afford. If you dream of buying a house but have lost hope because of you don’t think you can afford it, don’t give up. There…

Storm Damage Inspections: a 5-Step Home Checklist

Every year, nor’easters, hurricanes and other major weather events do plenty of damage to the nation’s homes. Wind and rain can flood basements, wash out foundations and rip shingles from roofs. If you have had a storm like this pass through your area, it’s wise to have a storm damage inspection to check your home for needed repairs. Obvious storm damage,…

Grow Your Own Backyard Oasis

Ponds and other water features transform an outdoor space by providing a focal point with relaxing sounds and movement. Since many of the plants in water ponds are heat loving tropicals, late spring and early summer is the time when the most varieties become available. Consider these beautiful, easy-care plants to bring your pond to life….